Tree Of Life

Tree Of Life illustrated the principle of the Universe and has been used in science, psychology, mythology, religion, and other areas. Some resources mention it as a tree of knowledge, others – as a tree of good and evil. Egyptians believed that the tree of life enclosed “life and death”. Originally, the tree of life represents cosmic order and the creation of the world. The tree of life plays a major role in the ex-communication of Adam and Eve from a garden of God. Take a close look at the tree of life – isn’t look as a diagrammatic representation of the process by which the Universe came into being?

The creation week consists of eight divine commands executed over six days, followed by the seventh day of rest. Day One - Night and Day Day Two - Sky and Sea Day Three - Land and Vegetation Day Four - Stars, Sun and Moon Day Five - Sea creatures including fish and birds Day Six - Animals and Mankind Day Seven – Rest The Number of God – Number 8 is a symbol of infinity – two interconnected circles – one circle for man and one circle for God. The Number Of Cycle Completion – Number 9 (Moon). Number 10 represents the start of a new cycle on a new level.

You can draw many conclusions just looking at the “tree of life”. In destiny cards, we use the basic meaning of numbers and spheres of “Tree of Life” as well as many other factors from two spreads – the life spread and the perfect spread.

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Tom Cruise “I didn't become an actor to have power, but it just happens that I have it and so I have a lot of opportunities.” - Tom Cruise


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