Quotes » Path quotes

Path Quotes

Arthur Clarke “Any path to knowledge is a path to God - or Reality, whichever word one prefers to use.” - Arthur Clarke
In topics: reality | word | knowledge | path | Magician Quotes | Two of Clubs Quotes |
Bill Bradley “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” - Bill BradleyIn topics: success | ambition | path | persistence | vehicle | Chariot Quotes | King of Hearts Quotes |
Carlos Castaneda “Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't then it is of no use to us.” - Carlos Castaneda
In topics: good | have | look | path | question | Hermit Quotes | Six of Hearts Quotes |
January 14, 2025
King of Diamonds
Card of the Day
King of Diamonds

Quote of the Day
Andy Rooney “Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress. Ladies, I apologize. For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?", here's an update for you. Nowadays 80%of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage!” - Andy Rooney