Quotes » Feel quotes

Feel Quotes

David Lawrence “Love is never a fulfillment. Life is never a thing of continuous bliss. There is no paradise. Fight and laugh and feel bitter and feel bliss: and fight again. Fight, fight. That is life.” - David Lawrence
In topics: life | love | bitter | fulfillment | thing | bliss | paradise | fight | laugh | feel | Lovers Quotes | King of Clubs Quotes |
Thomas Moore “Disappointments in love, even betrayals and losses, serve the soul at the very moment they seem in life to be tragedies. The soul is partly in time and partly in eternity. We might remember the part that resides in eternity when we feel despair over the part that is in life.” - Thomas Moore
In topics: life | love | feel | part | time | moment | even | soul | over | might | despair | losses | serve | eternity | Empress Quotes | Four of Clubs Quotes |
Thomas Moore “A soul mate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communication and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace. This kind of relationship is so important to the soul that many have said there is nothing more precious in life.” - Thomas Moore
In topics: life | someone | more | have | nothing | feel | take | relationship | kind | soul | place | divine | mate | communication | product | grace | Empress Quotes | Four of Clubs Quotes |
David Alan Grier “To be known by the public, honestly. People come up and tell them how good I make them feel.” - David Alan Grier
In topics: people | good | feel | make | public | come | tell | Empress Quotes | King of Hearts Quotes |
Joe Vitale “It's really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher.” - Joe Vitale
In topics: good | keep | more | feel | help | feeling | universe | will | signal | bringing | Hierophant Quotes | Six of Clubs Quotes |
Keanu Reeves “When I don't feel free and can't do what I want I just react. I go against it.” - Keanu Reeves
In topics: feel | want | cant | free | Emperor Quotes | Nine of Diamonds Quotes |
Woody Allen “I feel that life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. That's the two categories. The horrible are like, I don't know, terminal cases, you know, and blind people, crippled. I don't know how they get through life. It's amazing to me. And the miserable is everyone else. So you should be thankful that you're miserable, because that's very lucky, to be miserable.” - Woody Allen
In topics: people | life | like | feel | terminal | blind | Emperor Quotes | Four of Diamonds Quotes |
Oprah Winfrey “I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” - Oprah Winfrey
In topics: feel | luck | preparation | meeting | opportunity | Emperor Quotes | Jack of Clubs Quotes |
Charles Bukowski “People with no morals often considered themselves more free, but mostly they lacked the ability to feel or love.” - Charles Bukowski
In topics: ability | people | love | more | feel | free | morals | Hermit Quotes | Ten of Clubs Quotes |
Charles Bukowski “Do you hate people? I don't hate them...I just feel better when they're not around.” - Charles Bukowski
In topics: better | hate | feel | Hermit Quotes | Ten of Clubs Quotes |
Pelham Wodehouse “When you have been just told that the girl you love is definitely betrothed to another, you begin to understand how Anarchists must feel when the bomb goes off too soon.” - Pelham Wodehouse
In topics: love | must | have | feel | bomb | girl | betrothed | begin | Chariot Quotes | Seven of Clubs Quotes |
Marilyn Monroe “The thing I want more than anything else? I want to have children. I used to feel for every child I had, I would adopt another.” - Marilyn MonroeIn topics: more | have | thing | feel | want | child | Chariot Quotes | Three of Spades Quotes |
Angelina Jolie “I never felt settled or calm. You can't really commit to life when you feel that.” - Angelina Jolie
In topics: life | feel | cant | calm | Hierophant Quotes | King of Diamonds Quotes |
Ben Affleck “I'm not the type of guy who enjoys one-night stands. It leaves me feeling very empty and cynical. It's not even fun sexually. I need to feel something for the woman and entertain the vain hope that it may lead to a relationship.” - Ben AffleckIn topics: woman | feel | feeling | type | even | need | hope | lead | relationship | Lovers Quotes | Jack of Clubs Quotes |
Jim Morrison “Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.” - Jim Morrison
In topics: someone | real | love | have | feel | help | friend | total | freedom | feeling | moment | fine | letting | person | Magician Quotes | Ten of Clubs Quotes |
March 3, 2025
Seven of Spades
Card of the Day
Seven of Spades

Quote of the Day
Jack Nicholson “You only lie to two people in your life, your girlfriend and the police.” - Jack Nicholson