Quotes » Norman Vincent Peale quotes

Norman Vincent Peale Quotes

Norman Vincent Peale

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale was a minister and author (most notably of The Power of Positive Thinking) and a progenitor of the theory of "positive thinking".

Ace of Clubs Life Path: 62/8

Norman Vincent Peale “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” - Norman Vincent Peale
In topics: have | confidence | faith | Strength Quotes | Ace of Clubs Quotes |
December 26, 2024
Five of Hearts
Card of the Day
Five of Hearts

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Stefan Zweig “The strength of a love is always misjudged if we evaluate it by its immediate cause and not the stress that went before it, the dark and hollow space full of disappointment and loneliness that precedes all the great events in the heart's history.” - Stefan Zweig