Quotes » Life Path "4" Quotes

Life Path "4" Quotes

People with Life Path 4 learn to build a solid foundation, be disciplined and maintain social morals. They must honestly earn success and seek high goals with security in mind.

Robert Frost “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” - Robert Frost
In topics: life | three | words | Emperor Quotes | Ten of Clubs Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.” - Robert HeinleinIn topics: will | idea | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once.” - Robert HeinleinIn topics: have | freedom | peace | count | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” - Robert HeinleinIn topics: being | fight | give | take | change | problem | human | comfort | butcher | balance | build | dying | diaper | plan | invasion | ship | design | building | sonnet | wall | bone | pitch | manure | program | computer | cook | meal | specialization | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.” - Robert HeinleinIn topics: person | jealousy | symptom | neurotic | insecurity | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “Courage is the complement of fear. A man who is fearless cannot be courageous. (He is also a fool.)” - Robert Heinlein
In topics: fear | courage | complement | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “Dear, don't bore him with trivia or burden him with your past mistakes. The happiest way to deal with a man is never to tell him anything he does not need to know.” - Robert Heinlein
In topics: deal | need | tell | past | bore | dear | trivia | burden | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.” - Robert Heinlein
In topics: life | take | excess | flavor | moderation | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “Money is a powerful aphrodisiac. But flowers work almost as well.” - Robert Heinlein
In topics: money | work | well | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.” - Robert Heinlein
In topics: human | power | stupidity | underestimate | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “Free will is a golden thread running through the frozen matrix of fixed events.” - Robert Heinlein
In topics: free | will | matrix | thread | running | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Heinlein “Sin lies only in hurting others unnecessarily. All other "sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful —just stupid.)” - Robert Heinlein
In topics: nonsense | hurting | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Robert Jordan “The Creator made women to please the eye, and to boggle the mind.” - Robert Jordan
In topics: mind | creator | Emperor Quotes | Five of Clubs Quotes |

Robert Jordan “Women often seemed to leave things unsaid, and in his limited experience it was what they did not say that proved the most trouble.” - Robert Jordan
In topics: trouble | experience | leave | limited | Emperor Quotes | Five of Clubs Quotes |
Robert Jordan “Often you don't know whether a woman is friend, enemy or lover until it is too late. Sometimes, she is all three.” - Robert Jordan
In topics: woman | friend | enemy | lover | three | Emperor Quotes | Five of Clubs Quotes |
Julian Barnes “Women scheme when they are weak, they lie out of fear. Men scheme when they are strong, they lie out of arrogance.” - Julian BarnesIn topics: scheme | fear | arrogance | Emperor Quotes | Eight of Diamonds Quotes |
Marcel Proust “Let us leave pretty women to men with no imagination.” - Marcel Proust
In topics: imagination | leave | Emperor Quotes | Jack of Diamonds Quotes |
Warren Farrell “When women hold off from marrying men, we call it independence. When men hold off from marrying women, we call it fear of commitment.” - Warren Farrell
In topics: fear | hold | call | independence | commitment | Emperor Quotes | Four of Clubs Quotes |
Richard Curtis “Cause if you shoot a bullet someone dies. If you drop a bomb many die. You hit a woman, love dies. But if you say the F-word... nothing actually happens.” - Richard Curtis
In topics: someone | love | woman | nothing | cause | shoot | bullet | drop | bomb | Emperor Quotes | Queen of Clubs Quotes |
Richard Curtis “Happiness isn't happiness without a violin-playing goat. Richard Curtis” - Richard Curtis
In topics: happiness | goat | curtis | Emperor Quotes | Queen of Clubs Quotes |
February 17, 2025
Eight of Diamonds
Card of the Day
Eight of Diamonds

Quote of the Day
“Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything.” - Paris Hilton