A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.

Coco Chanel “A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” - Coco Chanel
In topics: girl | Justice Quotes | Seven of Clubs Quotes |

More Coco Chanel Quotes

Coco Chanel “Men always remember a woman who caused them concern and uneasiness.” - Coco Chanel
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Coco Chanel “Women must be quite beautiful to be loved by men, and quite foolish to love them.” - Coco Chanel
In topics: love | must | Justice Quotes | Seven of Clubs Quotes |
Coco Chanel “It's probably not just by chance that I'm alone. It would be very hard for a man to live with me, unless he's terribly strong. And if he's stronger than I, I'm the one who can't live with him. I'm neither smart nor stupid, but I don't think I'm a run-of-the-mill person. I've been in business without being a businesswoman, I've loved without being a woman made only for love. The two men I've loved, I think, will remember me, on earth or in heaven, because men always remember a woman who caused them concern and uneasiness. I've done my best, in regard to people and to life, without precepts, but with a taste for justice.” - Coco Chanel
In topics: people | life | business | being | love | best | earth | woman | cant | person | stupid | will | smart | chance | businesswoman | heaven | concern | uneasiness | regard | taste | justice | Justice Quotes | Seven of Clubs Quotes |

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Quote of the Day
L Ron Hubbard “Happiness and strength endure only in the absence of hate. To hate alone is the road to disaster. To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe.” - L Ron Hubbard

Today's Birthday

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