Unlock your future with daily, monthly, and yearly predictions using destiny cards and numerology. Discover personalized insights into life's challenges and opportunities, guiding your journey with clarity and purpose. Embrace the power of ancient wisdom for enlightened decision-making and personal growth. Your daily cards, personal days, months, years.
In the "Standard" numerological system, the personal year starts on January 1st.
11/2 - Revelation
Personal Year
This is another "inner year." This is the time for the ideas to light up whatever we do. Its only concern is with inside growth. It checks us up on the principles we have been using - in business or with people. If we start at the bottom and see that everything is sound and spotless, we are likely to be guided into the right moves - externals won't be able to turn us aside. If we don't bother much about it however, we are likely to drop into the negative 2 - and be blocked and limited. Our attention is likely to be called to many religious and psychic matters during the year, and we may acquire a new type of illumination to pass on to others.
9 - Universality
Universal Year
The Great Challenge Year. Selfishness and greed can not flourish and if indulged in, turn themselves into smashing boomerangs. The vibration says Love and Brotherhood. This is the end of a cycle. Hatred and bitterness are to be tied in a bundle and dropped into the sea. Odds and ends of unsatisfactory relationships are to be finished up. A general housecleaning is to be given to all departments.
This is a Friendship year - one of love, tolerance, understanding, live and let live. Many things are lost in this year. The Universe keeps on growing and has no time nor room for the old the finished and the outworn.
Your Destiny One Year Unlimited Access! The most powerful prediction system gives you the ability to foresee future! Easy to use with astonishing results! Infinite possibilities!
Unlock your inner potential! Knowledge is power. Use the key components of your personality to create aspiring vibrations of success and attract possibilities into your life!
“You only lie to two people in your life, your girlfriend and the police.” - Jack Nicholson