Mimi Rogers & Tom Cruise
Compatibility Report

Mimi Rogers: January 27, 1956
Mimi Rogers
Commitment Index: 7.2
70% Complete (success)
King of Clubs
Birth Card
Six of Clubs
Two of Spades
Karma Card
Eight of Spades
Karma Cousin
Tom Cruise: July 3, 1962
Tom Cruise
Commitment Index: 3.5
40% Complete (success)
Queen of Diamonds
Birth Card
Ace of Diamonds
Three of Diamonds
Karma Card
Nine of Diamonds
Karma Cousin

Total Connections Found: 22

We found 22 connections between you and Tom. If you are in love, it's easy to assume the feelings are mutual, but it's not always so. We can fall in love at first sight, but true love tends to emerge over time. There are varying levels of passion, intimacy, and commitment. Discovering the dimensions of your relationship gives you an exclusive opportunity to predict how your relationships will unfold in the future. Does the first spark of passion have a chance to turn into something more beautiful, unique, and long-lasting? It depends on how deep your connections with another person are. Some of them are spiritual or karmic; they connect us on a subconscious level. Others work on the physical plane; they are based on our childhood patterns, ideas of likeness, and social measures.

Attraction index: 4.24
Intensity index: 1.8
Compatibility: 2.03

Attraction & Intensity

Attraction Index evaluates a scope of qualities you find attractive in each other. From physical attractiveness and behavior to a spectrum of psychological traits and features, your score represents the chemistry or spark that motivated you to be with another person, and them with you. As a rule of thumb, the attraction is necessary but not sufficient for defining true love.

Intensity Index outlines the challenges. Detailed investigation of connections determines which areas of your life are affected the most. It can be sexual intensity, strong desire to dominate, criticism, or deep contradictions in beliefs and lifestyles. While intense passion may work to your benefit, there are some levels of intensity people find difficult to accept. Jealousy, for example, can ruin relationships. Desire to manipulate can tear your safety net. You can be intensely in love for many years, but it shouldn't limit your independence.

People with more than fifteen links between them have their scores higher than someone with five connections or less. As a rule, relationships with high-attraction and low-Intensity scores have more chances to survive in the long run and to bring more positive energy and mutual understanding. The excess of intense connections between people leads to break-ups and conflicts. Keep in mind that the level of intensity depends on your personal preferences and traits. Passionate people prefer more intense relationships; they are quickly bored with perfections. Others are looking for a harmonious and caring environment. If you research your previous relationships in-depth, you will discover the Attraction and Intensity Scores that fit you the best.

His Scores Are Slightly Different Than Yours!

Relationship is a union of two, and each of us is investing time and energy in another, and as a result we experience a slightly different impact which effects our compatibility score.
He Feels More Compatible With You Than You Are!
Attraction index: 4.17
Intensity index: 1.94
Compatibility: 2.24

Compatibility Chart

Meeting someone is never an accident, no matter how long your relationship lasts. There are always lessons, challenges, and virtues. It's easy to see in your compatibility chart, what brought you together in this lifetime and how enjoyable or challenging your relationships are meant to be. If you are aiming for long-term relationships, look for family and benefits indexes. Special connections give you a sense of pre-destined call. Lessons and challenges highlight the problematic aspects that may work for your advantage in the long-run. Intensity adds an edge, while criticism in high doses can make or break your trust.

Relationship Type: Loving

Prime Themes

love and harmony

emotional intimacy

karmic lessons

What is Missing?


Long-term Relationship | Marriage



Taking Care

You share 1 wonderful connection of emotional closeness. Tom willingness to take responsibility in life makes you feel confident and secure. In a sense you enjoy being her strong foundation and support. Feeling each other on very deep personal level, you can enjoy long and meaningful relationships that can last you a life-time.
Leadership rests not only upon ability, not only upon capacity; having the capacity to lead is not enough. The leader must be willing to use it. His leadership is then based on truth and character. There must be truth in the purpose and will power in the character. - Vince Lombardi


You share incredible connection of mutual love. Desire to please each other and make each other happy and content, is the reason why many couples who share this connection become very successful family-wise and financially.


You are a lucky man. It is not easy to find a woman who is willing to take the initiative. She is the prime energy generator, more aggressive and dynamic, but she loves when you take the lead and show your affection.


You are both not easy on yourself. There is a steep learning curve before you become more mature and independent. You are ready to grow up and you are able to help each other to do so, because you both intuitively know what should be done on other's behalf, and at the same time you feel a need in protection and guidance. This is probably one of the main reason why you are together from a start.

Friendship, Freedom, Inspiration

You have changed her life making her feel as a little girl who can laugh, be free and alive. She was looking for something new, fresh and inspirational, and you were just the right person to open her eyes to the world full of possibilities and magic. You can be good friends, if she can let you keep your freedom.

Idealism / Illusions

The dream of a perfect love came true when she met you. You might not be ideal, but there is no place in her romantic perception for accurate understanding of your real strengths and frailties, and you find yourself in the middle of the romantic encounter where the crash of illusions can happen at any time.

Control / Challenges

Tom may become the most significant person in your life, shaking your world, uncovering secrets, destroying sets of old beliefs and stereotypes, challenging deep fears and unresolved issues. Along with the powerful sexual attraction, she makes you feel powerless, fragile and controlled, and adds dramatic sophistication to your communication. Confronting hidden fears and emotional implications from the past can escalate very painful experience.

Cosmic Lessons

There are lessons, they both must take out of this relationship. It isn't easy at times, but the desire to achieve good results is the part of the attraction.

Cosmic Rewards

You may not realize the significance of your relationship until later in life. In a middle while, it might be a roller-coaster experience.

Mimi Rogers & Tom Cruise
Mimi Rogers and Tom were married for 2 years (from 1987 to 1989). Mimi Rogers was the one who introduced Tom Cruise to Scientology, forever changing his life--and ours too.

Well, a source who was around that scene at the time tells me that Mimi acted as crazy-protective of Tom as Tom later did of Katie.

Swears the source:

"Mimi hung out around the set of Cocktail and kept a close eye on Tom the whole time.

"And she tried to get Elisabeth Shue to not do sex scenes with Tom.

"Mimi would say, 'Tom has strep throat. I wouldn't want you to catch that'."

The source adds:

"She acted that way around the hot women.

"Why would you do that if your husband was gay?

"He wasn't. Case closed."

Connections: Life vs. Spiritual

You and Tom Cruise have a higher percentage of spiritual connections. It means you share karmic pasts. You may have premonitions and dreams about Tom Cruise, or just have a sense of unusual attachment. You may notice when it comes to Tom Cruise, your analytical mind tends to skip frames. It can be frightening at times. Past life's memories are the truth stranger than fiction; it's preserved down to the ions. The connected past, unconsciously realized, intensifies our feelings when we meet someone who triggers our genetic imprints. It's like capturing our self-awareness, life energy, and being in a fusion of space and time.

Forward, Reverse and Mutual Connections

According to your score, Tom invests 4.55% more energy into your relationships than you are. Depending on specifics, she might be more mindful, caring, and initiative, or more aggressive, pushy, or critical. In other words, she cares. With lots of reversed challenging connections, being loving might be harder than it seems, but if those are connections of kindness and love, you'd feel grateful and contented with your choice.

Mimi Rogers

Birthday: January 27, 1956
King of Clubs
Birth Card
Six of Clubs
Two of Spades
Karma Card
Eight of Spades
Karma Cousin
Kings are associated with Number Thirteen (13) - The Number of Love and Unity, and among the wiser ones, these qualities, together with their number, were held to be sacred. All Kings are the Jacob of the Bible: the founders and fathers of the twelve tribes who have entrusted the children to the source of All Good. Kings are usually the most sympathetic and understanding people. They know subconsciously that power depends upon cooperation, and whatever life they lead, their best work is done in partnership. They always have a sense of authority, but it seldom leads to domination.

The King of Clubs people holds their power by knowledge. Mental development is the best way to progress. By nature, the King of Clubs is spiritually minded, argumentative and aggressive. They need to work in association with others, exchanging ideas, learning in discussions, succeeding in making agreements and unions. Their brain can handle tons of data, records, papers, messages, and there is a possibility to lose themselves in details, and dive into the rut of routine. King of Clubs is progressive and should live up to the expectation. From time to time, they must give themselves a shot from over-satisfaction in the name of progress.

The King of Clubs have a gift of fluent writing, and they make money through their efforts. Being too slow can irritate their restless mind. Real estate, law, bonds, and stock are the fields, where they can combine their inner desire for security with their ability to make constant changes, or travel.

One significant aspect that plays the crucial role in the King of Clubs life is the partnerships. Success relates to their ability to work well with others, but they should stay away from putting too much responsibility on their partners.

The King of Club's mission is to contribute to the progress of our civilization, and through the recognition of wisdom and the refusal of self-indulgence and pleasures, they can become the most excellent teachers and spiritual leaders - the master rulers of the humankind.
Two of Spades

Karma Card: Two of Spades

The Two of Spades inclines you to business, preferably in associations. Two always involve union, agreements, dickering, discussing, and exchanging ideas. There is always much detail connected to work - papers, messages, records, and data - and among the very successful King of Clubs, when struggle has become a thing of the past, there is danger of getting into a rut of routine or static prosperity because there are two 6s in the end of the Life Path Sequence.

You are meant to be indefatigably progressive, and you must take care that you live up to this expectation. If you detect any signs of over-contentment or self-satisfaction, you should give yourself a swift prod and a strong "shot" in the name of progress.

Tom Cruise

Birthday: July 3, 1962
Queen of Diamonds
Birth Card
Ace of Diamonds
Three of Diamonds
Karma Card
Nine of Diamonds
Karma Cousin
Queens represent the spiritual nature of man and the principle of birth. They have the authority equal to that of the Kings, proving that the true rulership is both masculine and feminine. Queens are intuitive, receptive, and cooperative aspect of royalty. They are the true judges. The Queen of Diamonds judges by values.

Creative and smart, the Queen of Diamonds people are agents of ageless wisdom, and so they will be tested at every step of their way. Many greatest philanthropists are the Queen of Diamonds; in the world of art, some of our greatest poets, painters, and musicians contributed their abilities and talents were the Queen Of Diamonds. In the way of spirituality, we will find the Queen of Diamonds teachers and way showers. When the Queen of Diamonds learns the true values, they can live a life they dream of. Until this state of mind is achieved there are many burdens on their way to overcoming.

It is difficult to say, which area in life will be affected the most, but the Queen of Diamonds have enough strength to overcome any problem. As Queens, they belong to the royal family. They may experience indecision and uncertainty about their friends, environment, or themselves. It might be an incompatibility with family that contributes to their discontent. Their restless nature and variety of interests may lead them to change different professions and jobs, or on a contrary the fear of financial insecurity make them stick to one job that doesn't pay as much as they really worth. They need to overcome their worries to achieve success in business.

Queen of Diamonds are generous and will always help their friends and try to provide to their family. They can sacrifice for those they love, and with all these wonderful qualities, they might be stuck in an unhappy marriage until later in life or pursue different partners throughout their life. It might make very little or even no sense to anyone who knows the Queen of Diamonds closely. But all these "inconveniences" in life are there to achieve freedom and initialization to the higher wisdom and power. Their life can be seen as the marsh through material values toward wealth and security of this world, but they achieve their true destination only by understanding, that money is just a minimal part of values there is. Money can't buy you love, true happiness and by itself will never bring satisfaction.
Three of Diamonds

Karma Card: Three of Diamonds

The Three of Diamonds as your Karma card suggests that you are a versatile, multi-talented person with a strong need if self-expression. You have original ideas that often ahead of our time and can be witty and entertaining. Do not allow worries about finances and uncertainty to destruct you. There is a danger to scatter your energies in more than one project or interest. Channel your insecurity through any means of creativity, but try to focus on developing and mastering one of your talents at once. When you are focused on the goal, you can be highly motivated with the potential of exceptional prosperity.

Create your own Love compatibility report. What you see in this example is just a little part of information you will get with your order. But you can see how the story starts, and sometimes you can see how it ends. Fate? Destiny? Would your rather go with FREE WILL? Or maybe Free Will comes from True Knowledge?
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