Decanate Cards

The Decans are 36 groups of stars (small constellations) which rise consecutively on the horizon throughout each earth rotation. Since a new decan appears every ten days, the ancient Greeks called them dekanoi (pl. of dekanos) or "tenths". In Vedic astrology, each sign of the zodiac (30 deg.) is divided by three decans, 10 degrees each. There is the trinal calculation which utilizes the elemental trines to each sign. Each decan has its planetary ruling planet or planets.

To find Decanate cards, we use the same method as with the planetary ruling cards. All we need to know is planets that rule the Decan of our Sun placement (in the astrological birth chart). It can be one or two ruling planets, and therefore one or two decanate cards (see table below).

Please, note that dates below ruling planets of each decan are approximate. To be precise, you need to find the actual degree of your Sun placement in your astrological birth chart.

Now you can calculate your astrological birth chart for FREE and find out your exact Decanate Cards immediately - start with your birth chart

Sign First Decan 01 - 10 Second Decan 10 - 20 Third Decan 20 - 30
Aries Mars, Pluto R
March 21-30
March 31 - April 9
Jupiter, Neptune R
April 10-19
Taurus Venus R
April 20-30
May 1-10
May 11-20
Gemini Mercury R
May 21-31
June 1-10
Saturn, Uranus
June 11-21
Cancer Moon
June 22 - July 1
Pluto, Mars R
July 2-11
Neptune, Jupiter R
July 12-22
Leo Sun
July 23 - August 1
Jupiter, Neptune R
August 2-12
Mars, Pluto R
August 13-22
Virgo Mercury
August 23 - September 2
September 3-12
September 13-22
Libra Venus
September 23 - October 2
Uranus, Saturn R
October 3-12
Mercury R
October 13-23
Scorpio Pluto, Mars R
October 24 - November 2
Neptune, Jupiter R
November 3 - 12
November 13-22
Sagittarius Jupiter, Neptune R
November 23 - December 2
Mars, Pluto R
December 3 - 12
December 13-21
Capricorn Saturn
December 22-31
Venus R
January 1-10
January 11-20
Aquarius Uranus, Saturn R
January 21-30
Mercury R
January 31 - February 9
February 10-18
Pisces Neptune, Jupiter R
February 19-29
March 1-10
Pluto, Mars R
March 11-20

my name also

January 7, 2021 23:33

In God's will

December 23, 2020 9:00

That is me, totally and incredibly

December 20, 2020 14:38

What is Your Birth Card?