What Is Your Birth Card?

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Queen of Diamonds
Birth Card
Seven of Clubs
Five of Hearts
Three of Diamonds
Karma Card
Nine of Diamonds
Karma Cousin

Queen of Diamonds Karma Cousin

Queen of DiamondsThis Queen rules the realm of values - financial, moral and spiritual. You have very good judgment of values, and it is easy for you to place a price tag on anything and anyone. For Three of Diamonds women, the Queen of Diamonds is also your Personality card, but playing this "role" is not the best way to approach life. All with no exception women in the suit of Diamonds, impersonating their Diamond Queen, have difficulty in life and personal relationships.

The Queen of Diamonds is intelligent, thoughtful and responsible. Your public-spirited and idealistic nature inspires you to do something to solve the social problems you see. You are charitable and generous; you use your wealth and talents to help those who are less fortunate. You are a truly noble person.

You appreciate the finer things in life, and you love to surround yourself with beauty. Your home must be comfortable and well decorated as you enjoy the splendor if it is expressed in good taste.

Flattery and deception have no place in your personality; truth and fairness rule your conduct. You are faithful and trustworthy, as you value your integrity. You are practical and determined in carrying out your plans. Others appreciate your sound business advice. Once you give your affection, you are a devoted partner and mate, supportive in every way.

On the negative side, you may refuse to accept responsibility because you fear failure. You end up very dependent on others, and even worse, you allow your vast talents to lie fallow and eventually die.

Queen of Diamonds Quotes

Dave Barry “It is a well-documented fact that guys will not ask for directions. This is a biological thing. This is why it takes several million sperm cells... to locate a female egg, despite the fact that the egg is, relative to them, the size of Wisconsin.” - Dave Barry

January 15 Famous Birthdays

Famous Queen of Diamonds

Queen of Diamonds Birthdays

Queen of Diamonds Planetary Ruling Card Queen of Diamonds Decanate Card Queen of Diamonds Year Card Queen of Diamonds Karma Card Queen of Diamonds Karma Cousin


You are the Queen in the Royal Family. That gives you the power and ability to influence those around you. Sometimes Queens are more powerful than Kings, but they rarely take the credit for their doings. As a female, Queen rule their suit in the nurturing kind manner. Your mission is inspire, to counsel, to comfort and encourage the expression of truth, love and peace. You biggest satisfaction comes through patience, service, love, self-sacrifice. The kingdom you rule depends from your suit - it can be love and relationship (Hearts), knowledge (Clubs), realm of values (Diamonds), work and wisdom (Spades).


Each suit represents one of our stages of life. Diamonds correspond with an adulthood, career and money-making years, the Fall season and the element Water. Even when children Diamonds like to be treated as adults. Diamonds stand for the Power of values, material wealth. Symbolically, Diamonds are like a jewel, a stone that allows the light to pass through with practically with no loss. You can say Diamonds stand for the money, but actually they stand for Values. It includes all spectrum of human values including spiritual worth. Diamonds work out the conception of values through all their lives. They know that everything and everyone in life has its price. They make the best promoters and sellers for things with a high-rank value according to their beliefs. Diamonds like to spend money, but at some time on another they realize that all material wealth doesn't buy the true happiness. Diamonds rule merchants, manufacturers, big businesses, producers, investors, bankers and world traders. Diamonds rule 131 birthdays. The ruling planet is Jupiter.
March 3, 2025
Seven of Spades
Card of the Day
Seven of Spades

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