What Is Your Birth Card?

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Ten of Diamonds
Birth Card
Five of Hearts
Eight of Spades
Queen of Clubs
Karma Card
Queen of Spades
Karma Cousin

Ten of Diamonds Karma Card

Ten of DiamondsThe Queen of Spades replaces the Ten of Diamonds. It gives you an extraordinary ability to turn your inventive ideas into profit. However, getting involved with making money for its own sake, is against your mission in life. Pure satisfaction and solid social standing are possible when your activities have real value. The Ten of Diamonds is a center of Mundane spread, so the general attitude toward finances can be at the heart of the problems. Property issues and the demands of family get in the way of success.

Ten of Diamonds Quotes

Benjamin Franklin “When you are finished changing, you're finished.” - Benjamin Franklin

January 17 Famous Birthdays

Famous Ten of Diamonds

Ten of Diamonds Birthdays

Ten of Diamonds Planetary Ruling Card Ten of Diamonds Decanate Card Ten of Diamonds Year Card Ten of Diamonds Karma Card Ten of Diamonds Karma Cousin


The number 10 is number of Evolution, opening the door to the next level of our journey in consciousness. It is the greatest number, the grand summit of all the numbers. Ten are like Aces, but on the higher level. If your birthday identifies you with Ten, you have all qualities of preceding number from One to Nine. So if any number can assure you for success it is number Ten. Depending on suit, your may find the success through expression in love-power, mind-power, material power and work-related, wisdom power. Ten is the number of Leader. You may help others to find their success as well. You have a tremendous potential to success. People who associated with number Ten are able to excel with little or no efforts, and this ability may create a problem with self discipline, which will be your biggest challenge in life.


Each suit represents one of our stages of life. Diamonds correspond with an adulthood, career and money-making years, the Fall season and the element Water. Even when children Diamonds like to be treated as adults. Diamonds stand for the Power of values, material wealth. Symbolically, Diamonds are like a jewel, a stone that allows the light to pass through with practically with no loss. You can say Diamonds stand for the money, but actually they stand for Values. It includes all spectrum of human values including spiritual worth. Diamonds work out the conception of values through all their lives. They know that everything and everyone in life has its price. They make the best promoters and sellers for things with a high-rank value according to their beliefs. Diamonds like to spend money, but at some time on another they realize that all material wealth doesn't buy the true happiness. Diamonds rule merchants, manufacturers, big businesses, producers, investors, bankers and world traders. Diamonds rule 131 birthdays. The ruling planet is Jupiter.
March 12, 2025
Jack of Diamonds
Card of the Day
Jack of Diamonds

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