Journey to Self-Discovery: Seven Reflections Insights

Explore the Seven Reflections Blog for intriguing insights on psychology, astrology, numerology, destiny cards, love, relationships, and more. Dive into the mysteries of the mind, stars, and the heart with our engaging articles.

How To Read Cards? 3 Basic Rules of Interpretation.

This question is asked quite often since we do have the Destiny Book available online. I can't say that reading your spreads is an easy task as you need to be quite literate with each card, the life and the perfect spread and have the planetary influences well adjusted in your mind. If you do well in puzzles, reading your life spread might be the best game ever created by the human being. Except the knowledge of Destiny, cards are not a game. In Progressions, each card is displayed with correlated planets found in your personal life spreads (birth card and planetary ruling cards). You will see it on your daily readings and also in your yearly spreads. It is a very important thing to understand your relationship with each card falling into your period (day, or 52-days period, or the yearly cards). And this makes the first rule of interpreting your spreads.

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Free Destiny Reading. Win A Lottery!

Knowing what will happen to you tomorrow can set you apart from the crowd. It might sound silly to check "with stars" every time you are buying a lottery ticket, but why waste your hard-earned buck on a sparkling piece on paper with a big numbered Zero inside? There are zillions online resources that tell the "high-ranked" secrets of how to win the lottery or jackpot, but if you are born on April 14, you may have little chances to win especially if you are up to an impulsive gambling. But for most people winning the lottery is only a question of Luck and ability to be in " right moment at the right time." Personally, I started to use the daily readings for fun, but soon enough I've figured out how useful it can be. Especially when you use the right and easy to understand tool. See yourself  Free Destiny Reading

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Pythagorean Numerology

Your name is your fortune and the key to success. It is the most important form of recognition and identification. Numerology studies the rhythms, vibrations of your name. Each letter of the alphabet has a matching number (from 1 to 9). Modern numerology begins with the work of American music teacher, L. Dow Balliett...

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Chaldean Numerology

Chaldean Numerology alphabetic system is an oldest and very accurate. How does it differ from the Pythagorean system? See examples.

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Mike Vs. Brandon? The Way We Think Today.

Each name is a sound, unique vibration that gives us our individuality, the way we speak to people, and what’s more important the way we feel about ourselves and our life. John is more cooperative than Larry, Jessica is more creative than Dorothy. Jerry is more settle and grounded than Frank. By the way we name our children you can understand the top priorities of our society and tendencies of our social life. 

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Since ancient times corals are believed to protect from misfortunes and illnesses, and stop bleeding. In Greece the coral represents happiness and even immortality. At the beginning of the Christian era, there was a great trade carried on in coral between the Mediterranean and India, where it was highly esteemed as a substance endowed with mysterious sacred properties. It is remarked by Pliny that, previous to the existence of the Indian demand, the Gauls were in the habit of using it for the ornamentation of their weapons of war and helmets; but in his day, so great was the Eastern demand, that it was very rarely seen even in the regions which produced it. Among the Romans branches of coral were hung around children's necks to preserve them from danger, and the substance had many medicinal virtues attributed to it. A belief in its potency as a charm continued to be entertained throughout medieval times; and even early in the 20th century in Italy was worn as a preservative from the evil eye, and by females as a cure for sterility. 

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How The Numerology Calculator Works?

Since there are only nine numbers to consider in numerology, the combination is very important. Numerology calculations always start with a day you were born which gives us the birth number, and continuously add the month (the attitude number) and a year of your birth (the life path number). There are also Challenge Numbers - things we deal during certain periods of our life.

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Why Cant I Get Compatibility Reading With The Joker?

Why can't I get compatibility reading with the Joker?

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Hello. I was wondering what "special" means in terms of the compatibility or attraction index. Does it have something to do with karma or is it some type of special/unique connection?

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Showing 31 - 40 of 54

What is Your Birth Card?

People Saying

SöO MêÉ..

July 13, 2021 10:17


April 17, 2021 8:38

Wtf ever

November 3, 2021 7:52

Damn this Is almost freaky

April 29, 2021 22:25

thanx and nice.

May 15, 2021 0:59
Your Destiny Major Themes