If a man hasn't what's necessary to make a woman love him, it's his fault, not hers.

William Somerset Maugham “If a man hasn't what's necessary to make a woman love him, it's his fault, not hers.” - William Somerset Maugham
In topics: love | woman | make | necessary | fault | Magician Quotes | Two of Diamonds Quotes |

More William Somerset Maugham Quotes

William Somerset Maugham “One can be very much in love with a woman without wishing to spend the rest of one's life with her.” - William Somerset Maugham
In topics: life | rest | love | woman | wishing | Magician Quotes | Two of Diamonds Quotes |
William Somerset Maugham “Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five.” - William Somerset Maugham
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Dave Barry “What may seem depressing or even tragic to one person may seem like an absolute scream to another person, especially if he has had between four and seven beers.” - Dave Barry

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