Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban
Compatibility Report

Nicole Kidman: June 20, 1967
Nicole Kidman
Commitment Index: 2.5
30% Complete (success)
Ten of Clubs
Birth Card
Eight of Diamonds
Jack of Spades
Karma Card
Four of Spades
Karma Cousin
Keith Urban: October 26, 1967
Keith Urban
Commitment Index: 6.3
60% Complete (success)
Nine of Hearts
Birth Card
King of Clubs
Queen of Spades
Seven of Diamonds
Karma Card

Total Connections Found: 18

We found 18 connections between you and Keith. If you are in love, it's easy to assume the feelings are mutual, but it's not always so. We can fall in love at first sight, but true love tends to emerge over time. There are varying levels of passion, intimacy, and commitment. Discovering the dimensions of your relationship gives you an exclusive opportunity to predict how your relationships will unfold in the future. Does the first spark of passion have a chance to turn into something more beautiful, unique, and long-lasting? It depends on how deep your connections with another person are. Some of them are spiritual or karmic; they connect us on a subconscious level. Others work on the physical plane; they are based on our childhood patterns, ideas of likeness, and social measures.

Attraction index: 3.9
Intensity index: 3.31
Compatibility: 0.89

Attraction & Intensity

Attraction Index evaluates a scope of qualities you find attractive in each other. From physical attractiveness and behavior to a spectrum of psychological traits and features, your score represents the chemistry or spark that motivated you to be with another person, and them with you. As a rule of thumb, the attraction is necessary but not sufficient for defining true love.

Intensity Index outlines the challenges. Detailed investigation of connections determines which areas of your life are affected the most. It can be sexual intensity, strong desire to dominate, criticism, or deep contradictions in beliefs and lifestyles. While intense passion may work to your benefit, there are some levels of intensity people find difficult to accept. Jealousy, for example, can ruin relationships. Desire to manipulate can tear your safety net. You can be intensely in love for many years, but it shouldn't limit your independence.

People with more than fifteen links between them have their scores higher than someone with five connections or less. As a rule, relationships with high-attraction and low-Intensity scores have more chances to survive in the long run and to bring more positive energy and mutual understanding. The excess of intense connections between people leads to break-ups and conflicts. Keep in mind that the level of intensity depends on your personal preferences and traits. Passionate people prefer more intense relationships; they are quickly bored with perfections. Others are looking for a harmonious and caring environment. If you research your previous relationships in-depth, you will discover the Attraction and Intensity Scores that fit you the best.

His Scores Are Slightly Different Than Yours!

Relationship is a union of two, and each of us is investing time and energy in another, and as a result we experience a slightly different impact which effects our compatibility score.
You Feel More Compatible With Him Than He Is!
Attraction index: 3.49
Intensity index: 3.48
Compatibility: 0.67

Compatibility Chart

Meeting someone is never an accident, no matter how long your relationship lasts. There are always lessons, challenges, and virtues. It's easy to see in your compatibility chart, what brought you together in this lifetime and how enjoyable or challenging your relationships are meant to be. If you are aiming for long-term relationships, look for family and benefits indexes. Special connections give you a sense of pre-destined call. Lessons and challenges highlight the problematic aspects that may work for your advantage in the long-run. Intensity adds an edge, while criticism in high doses can make or break your trust.

Prime Themes

karmic lessons

love and harmony

emotional intimacy

What is Missing?

desire for freedom


Long-term Relationship | Marriage

Equal Leadership

Emotional Intimacy

You are perfect couple! You share 2 wonderful connections of emotional closeness. No matter where you are and what you do, you will always feel close to each other on very deep personal level. You can freely share your deep thoughts and help each other in confusing situations. In your case, there is no definite mastermind. You can split responsibility of making major decisions in your life and enjoy long-lasting relationships based on equality, understanding and emotional closeness.
Leadership rests not only upon ability, not only upon capacity; having the capacity to lead is not enough. The leader must be willing to use it. His leadership is then based on truth and character. There must be truth in the purpose and will power in the character. - Vince Lombardi


You share incredible connection of mutual love. Desire to please each other and make each other happy and content, is the reason why many couples who share this connection become very successful family-wise and financially.


You are a lucky man. It is not easy to find a woman who is willing to take the initiative. She is the prime energy generator, more aggressive and dynamic, but she loves when you take the lead and show your affection.


Keith's desire to make you happy is a definite benefit to your abilities and talents. She holds a pride in your accomplishments, willing to do almost anything to help you climb the social ladder. She is willing lift you up with enthusiasm and build up your self-confidence.


You might be too critical of yourself, but with Keith you can relax. She doesn't think there is any problem with you. Perhaps she is a type of woman, who doesn't think that changing anyone helps. For you, it is different. Intuitively you know him very well, maybe too well. And you know what should be done of her behalf to be more successful and mature in life. Sometimes your critical remarks are not so easy to handle. Slow down! Eventually, she will grow up, but she needs a lot of love and appreciation to be a successful student.

Control / Challenges

The significance of this relationship is certain. Along with a powerful sexual attraction, the feelings of being powerless, fragile and controlled make an entire experience more melodramatic. Helping each other to recognize and heal hidden fears and emotional implications from the past can be painful, but exciting and relieving experience.

Cosmic Lessons

You are the part of Keith's learning curve in life. It might be not easy to handle, but she needs it.

Cosmic Rewards

Keith may not realize how significant you are for her until later in life. In a middle while, it can be a roller-coaster experience.

Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban
Nicole Kidman and Keith are married since 2005. They have two children. Nicole Kidman met Keith Urban, at G'Day LA, an event honouring Australians, in January 2005. They married on 25 June 2006, at Cardinal Cerretti Memorial Chapel in the grounds of St Patrick's Estate, Manly in Sydney.

Nicole: "[W]e're very together," she says, adding, "It's a very adventurous, extraordinary place to be: incredibly raw, incredibly dangerous and you're very much out at sea ... When you commit to someone like that you live and die together by that decision."

Actress Kidman also opened up on Oprah about their enduring romance. "I think marriage is about, every day, trying to make it better and working through things and when things are tough, saying, 'I'm going to come to you and talk, We're just very tight, and we stay really tight."

Nicole: "Married life comes first and everything else comes second."

Nicole on supporting Keith through his treatment: "But it was very painful, deeply painful. We were in a very, very, very bad, painful place, and have managed to step through it, and I hope that gives some people some hope who may be in the same place ... Anything else is overindulgent and unnecessary right now. And I think it jinxes it, in a way, and that's why I don't go on about my enormous feelings for this man."

Keith: "They say grief makes hearts and closer bonds than joy ever can. We've been through a lot, and she's been extraordinary."

Keith: "I waited 39 years before I got married. It means everything to me to be married. Like everybody, I really want to do it only once. I'm very loyal in that respect, and committing to somebody means once that ring is on, I'm gonna stay."

Keith about some of the songs on Love, Pain & the Whole Crazy Thing were inspired by Nicole: "I didn't intend to write any songs about her. I just wrote, and obviously what was coming out was how I was feeling."

Nicole Kidman & Tom Cruise
Connections: Life vs. Spiritual

Your share of spiritual connections matches its mundane equivalent. You have new experiences to enjoy. There is also a decent backup in your subconscious mind to bypass any roadblocks. Spiritual connections may feel frightening at times. When triggered by Keith Urban, your analytical mind starts skipping frames, but it helps you stay connected. Although you may check how many challenging aspects you have inside your mundane scope and cross-check them with supportive spiritual connections, the idea of commitment will cross yours and Keith Urban's mind more than once. You may also consider Keith Urban's age and social status; if they match yours, excellent! If not, your chances to be accepted are fifty-fifty.

Forward, Reverse and Mutual Connections

According to your score, you invest 16.67% more energy into your relationships than he is. Not all connections are about love and acceptance. The way you feel about different aspects can range from feeling safe and loved to fearful and vulnerable, but by all means, you care. If you get too focused on who owes who what and why you may start feeling resentful. Try not to lose track of your real goal.

Nicole Kidman

Birthday: June 20, 1967
Ten of Clubs
Birth Card
Eight of Diamonds
Jack of Spades
Karma Card
Four of Spades
Karma Cousin
Tens are called "Success" Cards - Fully Accomplished. Pythagoreans say that the number Ten represents Deity, Heaven, Eternity, and the Sun. Ten starts a new cycle - the cycle of man's Aspiration. Ten of Clubs find their success in the mental field and secure it by sharing their knowledge.

Ten of Clubs is the first card in the Crown line. It holds a tremendous potential along with talent and leadership, which suggests that people born under the Ten Of Clubs birth card can become successful in just about anything they put their mind to. Their effort may win them worldly acclaim. The Ten Of Clubs high position places them above traditional concepts and lifestyles and gives them freedom of being anyone and anything they want. Applying personal discipline opens up beautiful possibilities represented by this birth card.

Ten Of Clubs are often A-grade students and can excel in any study. But they also learn early that freedom of action is brought to people through the wealth and their position in life. Whatever childhood circumstances are, they are to help the Ten of Clubs person to develop a correct sense of values, to establish the right attitude toward money and its proper use. This sense of values makes Ten of Clubs a tendency to associate with successful people and people in high rank throughout their entire life. The Ten of Clubs is a Crown Card. Ten Of Clubs people are intelligent and smart, and they respect the value of intelligence and mental superiority in others.

Ten of Clubs are very sensitive to public opinion, fear criticism and disapproval. There is often a lack of self-confidence, but there is no good reason for it. Once they realize their true power and their most significant asset - and that is knowledge - they find true happiness.

There is always the power to make money unless they don't put enough efforts into it. Ten of Clubs natives have great intuition and should use it in choosing the most suitable line of work. The greatest success lies in the mental field. Sometimes called a "Teacher" card, Ten Of Clubs have a tremendous pool of knowledge, and sharing it with others can bring great satisfaction into their lives. If the knowledge is applied to high motives, their need is supplied from the "Limitless Substance." There is seldom any lack of supply.
Jack of Spades

Karma Card: Jack of Spades

Jack of Spades are the "divine androgynes" - the Christ-nature toward which we are evolving. As a Karma card, it suggests the danger of fixation. The firmness in the Jack of Spades and adherence to principle are well worthy of emulation, but the Ten of Clubs can go astray through stubbornness. Extremes in pride can take its toll on your relationships with others. The high place of your Birth Card expands the responsibilities of the Jack of Spades, which is spiritual initiation into a realm of higher power.

Keith Urban

Birthday: October 26, 1967
Nine of Hearts
Birth Card
King of Clubs
Queen of Spades
Seven of Diamonds
Karma Card
Nine is universal, all-containing symbol. It is the end and the beginning. They are adventurous, often impulsive nature will attract them to a wide variety of interests and people, and it is their mind that finds their greatest fulfillment or disappointments. All Nines birthdays have a tremendous pull of knowledge, and if they are willing to serve people by sharing their experience, surrender ego, Nines will indeed find a life of happiness and satisfaction. The Nine has all that takes to realize their high destiny.

Nine of Hearts is the card of Universal love, but also might be called the "Wish Card." It is one of the semi-fixed cards - the twin of Seven Of Diamonds. For this combination, money is not easy to be acquired for purely personal use. Love and money can come, but the two never seem to work together for any length of time. To the Nine of Hearts, life brings tests in all departments of life. People born under this influence are never weak. Otherwise, they would never handle such a life pattern. They have tolerance. They want to be understood and are willing to make sacrifices for it. It is wise not to expect too much from personal relationships; it will be rather disappointments especially if the requirements set too high. It is also wise not too long to the extreme wealth; it is not a pattern except in a few cases where money must take the place of everything else - happiness most of all.

For the Nine of Hearts, it is imperative to control their strong feelings and channel an emotional power, using it as a force to amplify the scope of expression and understanding. Promised fulfillment through love is likely to be found through some interpretation of the concept of Universal Love. Nine of Hearts have magnetic charm, which can win admirers, and it is vital to resist the temptation to abuse this power through emotional and sexual conquests. In overcoming selfish pursuit of love with a desire to give loving service to others and counsel to others, Nine Of Hearts will find the real fulfillment symbolized by this card.

Nine Of Hearts are blessed by their great creative mentality. They are intellectual and talented, and these qualities suggest that they may find their fortune in writing and publishing. Or since they are a heart, they may find even greater personal satisfaction as politicians or entertainers. Responsibility and leadership are symbolic of this card, and if you are born the Nine of Hearts, beware of those friends and associates who would encourage you are to dissipate your creative energies in trivial activities.

Nine of Hearts often have the childhood situation that can influence their ability to think positively. They may seem to be extroverts, but they are probably introverts. They can get discouraged too quickly and develop a habit to worry while very young. It is essential to countermeasure, - to develop a positive philosophy.

Personal life and living situation are likely to be subject to many changes. It can bring much travel and adds to emotional restlessness which makes it difficult to keep their interest in marriage and other close relationships.

Nine of Hearts are often attracted to professional women - usually older. Women tend to be a source of excitement and friction. While there is an irritating factor here, work relating to women also prove to be very profitable. Nine of Hearts are very emotional, but they don't like this quality in others - especially women who try to play petty games with their feelings. For this reason, they want all associations businesslike.

The life of the Nine of Hearts is not comfortable, and often there is a natural desire to run from problems and operate under the personality cards - King, Queen, or Jack of Hearts, which can make life easier. But as a general rule, it is not a best practice and should be done consciously and deliberately. The women will find the Queen of Hearts pleasanter and more potent than their birth card. Men should strive to live up to the strength of King of Hearts. We can change our lives and make our own words if we choose. We can't, however, depart from the laws that govern the Birth Cards, the Numbers, or the Horoscopes. If you are the Nine of Hearts you must love your neighbor as yourself, - and don't forget that he lives all over the world.

Create your own Love compatibility report. What you see in this example is just a little part of information you will get with your order. But you can see how the story starts, and sometimes you can see how it ends. Fate? Destiny? Would your rather go with FREE WILL? Or maybe Free Will comes from True Knowledge?
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